On a Quest to Find Harry Potter

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I just got done caroling at the hospital and it was super fun. My dad was decked out in his "classy' flannel Christmas shirt while I wore a Santa hat a dude gave me to wear. Some other people has some nice reindeer antlers that could have easily poked someone's eye out, but luckily we all came out unharmed. My family had christmas in KC yesterday and it was sooo nice to have the whole family together. I was really excited for this christmas because I had made most of my gifts and let's face it, giving really is so much better than receiving. Since I'm heading to London here in about 2 weeks, my receiving portion was small which was the way I wanted it. Gosh, I can hardly believe London is almost here. The last couple of weeks have emotionally been hard as I've had to say bye to my cousins and some school friends. I started to hate London before I even got there. I didn't realize saying bye would be so hard. I'm getting fearful and nervous about London which is not an emotion I usually experience. This crazy European country has my stomach doing flip flops! I really am stoked about it, but it's just crazy that I'll be that far away. I'm starting to get ready and figure out what to pack. I might just pack lots of underoos and some febreeze and go for it. I might go Shakespeare and not take a bath while I"m there....just kidding. I'll keep you posted on how my packing is coming along. I hope you all had an awesome Christmas....easy on the fruitcake.....


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